Monday, September 29, 2008

To-do List

Trying to get ready for this wedding, I have been on this mission to lose weight. I want to look my best in that dress! I had each day planned. I would get up around 6:30, take Kennedy to school by 7:30, be at the gym by 7:45-8:00, work out for about an hour or two and then go home and get my work day started. I even had my meals planned out. I did it successfully and have lost most of the weight. When I started the journey, it was back in March when I had not invited God to the wedding. I was convicted by the Holy Spirit for my error in judgment and re-wrote my to-do list. I decided to put all that on the back burner and put God first. We know how jealous God is and He will not let anything get in the way of His relationship with us. We can keep pulling away from Him but He will never pull away from us.

The Bible teaches us to put first things first; to seek God before all else. And yet, we continually put Him somewhere on the to-do list with everything else. He has proven to me over the years that if I put Him first, all the other things will fall into place. So why is it so hard to do that on a day-in, day-out basis? 1 Chronicles 16:11 tells us, "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always." So what do I do instead of seeking the Lord? Often I seek my own will or pleasure before I seek God. Sometimes I'm more interested in getting what I want before I ask what He wants. Other times, I operate in my own logic and strength -- calling my own shots according to what seems right to me. When I live that way, I turn the guidance of the scriptures upside down. Matthew 6:33 clearly instructs us, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

When I truly focus on my relationship with Him, my priorities are in order. His Word becomes the focus of my day. God's ways do work -- we just have to follow them. So I challenge you, update your to-do list this week and begin each day seeking the One who created you. You won't regret it!

Be blessed and know that I love you!!!

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